Atwater High School Alumni Association, Inc.
A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation IRS Tax #82-2320646www.atwateralumniassociation.com
Atwater Alumni Association July 2020 Newsletter
This month we hope that this newsletter finds all alumni and their family’s safe. Sadly, we know that this is probably not the case. We hope that everyone does their part to protect themselves, their family and those they meet. The disruptive rhetoric in our country is terribly disappointing. The answer to moving forward lies with each one of us. We can drive the limiting of both the pandemic and the hateful interaction one action at a time. As we all move forward please be kind….and wear a mask. It is up to us.
As AHS prepares for the nontraditional opening of their school year we want to pass along the best wishes of all alumni to the Class of 2021. Our thanks also go to the administration and staff for their work and dedication in handling the challenges that you have faced. Its hard to follow a path when there was never a map, but you have done amazing work. Its what Falcon Strong, and Falcon Pride is all about.

The Class of 1970 has announced that due to the current condition they will delay their 50th Year Reunion originally scheduled for Friday July 3, 2020. They are looking at dates in the September time period. So, stay tuned more information to come.

The Class of 1975 has announced that their 45th Year Reunion originally scheduled for September will be moved to 2021, dates to be announced soon. If you had already sent in your registration you can either have the committee cancel or return your checks or you can apply it to next year’s event, contact the committee to advise you choice.

The Class of 1980 has announced a change in the date of their 40th Year Reunion originally scheduled for Labor Day weekend 2020.The new date will be Labor Day Weekend 2021. Mark your calendars, more information to come.

The Class of 1990 has established a Facebook group page Atwater High School Class of 1990 30 Year Reunion. A reunion will be held, but due to the current vises conditions an exact date has not been established. Alumni who are interested would like to update on future plans are encouraged to go to the Facebook site.

- The Class of 2000 Reunion Committee has announced the 20th Year Reunion originally scheduled for June 13, 2020 has been moved to June 19, 2021. More information to come, mark your calendars. Information available on the Atwater High School Class of 2000 Facebook group page.

A group of alumni is working on organizing a multi class reunion for those who attended AHS from 1958 to 1965. This includes the original class at AHS and the first four-year Senior and Junior classes. They are looking for classmate information in order to contact them. If you were at AHS during this time and are interested in this event, please send your contact information to the association or to Geri Freitas through her Facebook Messenger site. The committee has decided to push this event back to next year and have set the date as October 9, 2021. So mark your calendar and if you have not contacted Geri and the group with your contact information its not to late.
If your class year ends in a 1 (71, 81, 91, 01, 11). or 6 (66, 76, 86, 96, 06, 16). now would be a great time to organize a committee, have some fun and start planning for a reunion this year. The Alumni Associate is willing to help, and we have some experts who have had experience in the organizing of these events and will be happy to share some best practices with you.
Milestone Year Events
The following class years are celebrating milestones this year. Here are some interesting things that happened during the months and year they graduated. There were many interesting events in every month, and these were selected as only one interesting and, in some cases, fun example.
1965 – July 24 – Bob Dylan releases “Like a Rolling Stone”
1970 – July 4 – Casey Kasem’s “American Top 40” debuts on LA radio.
1975 – July 5 – Arthur Ashe becomes the first black man to win the Wimbledon singles title, defeating Jimmy Connors in four sets.
1980 – July 16 – Ronald Regan nominated for US President at Republican Convention in Detroit.
1985 – July 3 – Movie “Back to the Future” staring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd is released.
1990 – July 26 – President George H. W. Bush signs the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) to protect people with disabilities from discrimination.
1995 – July 11 – President Clinton announces the restoration of United States – Vietnam relations twenty years after the end of the Vietnam Way.
2000 – July 10 – Coldplay releases their debut album “Parachutes”.
2005 – July 20 – Canada becomes the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.
2010 – July 30 – A wildfire forces the evacuation of thousands of homes in Palmdale CA.
2015 – July 20 – US and Cuba restored diplomatic relation for the first time in 54 years.
Alumni News
- Congratulations to Susan Flatt (89) and her husband Dan on their 28th wedding anniversary.
- Sorry to report the passing of Jerry Arnold (65). Our condolences to the family, friends, and classmates of Jerry.
- Sorry to report the passing of Dean Gentry (79). Our condolences to the family, friends, and classmates of Dean.
- Sorry to report the passing of Bob Higgingbotham (64). Our condolences to the family, friends, and classmates of Bob.
- Congratulations to Jarred Passwaters (90) and his wife Michele on their 9th wedding anniversary.
- Congratulations to Carolyn Hernandez Rupp (75) and her husband Gordan on the celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary.
- Congratulations to Karen Covert McGee (78) and her husband Jesse on their 10th wedding anniversary.
- While not an alumnus we are sorry to report the passing of Eldon George who the bus driver for the Atwater High School Marching Band and served as a coach for the Letter Carries. He volunteered his time working at AHS football games. Mr. George attended Livingston High Scholl and was a US Navy veteran. Our condolences go out to all his family and friends and want to express the thanks of all alumni for his service to AHS.
- Sorry to report the passing of Gloria Vargas Borrero (77). Our condolences to her family friends and classmates.
- Congratulations to Stacey Serrano (80) and her husband Randy on their 13th wedding anniversary.
- Congratulations to Francis McMillian Webster (68) and her husband Thomas on the celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary.
- Congratulations to Linda Yount Webb (70) and Tim Webb (76) on the celebration of their 35th wedding anniversary.
AHS News
- Congratulations to FFA member Alyssa Carrillo on placing second in the state in Prepared Public Speaking.