
The Alumni Association is looking for some help with an event on August 28. We would like to have a presence at the AHS Back to School night. We will have a booth set up to welcome students back to our school and talk about the association. It only requires a couple of hours and we will provide the information if you would like to help. If you are interested you can message us through the Joe Falcon Facebook page, email us at AtwaterAlumni@outlook.com or send us a comment through this website. We have other opportunities in the future, so if you can’t help with this one but would be willing to help in the future let us know that. Thanks in advance to all the alumni volunteers.


As a totally volunteer organization the Atwater High School Alumni Association depends on its alumni members and friends to the support its operational needs. We recognize that people are busy and may not have much time to spare, so anything you can provide will be greatly appreciated. We would like to develop a list of alumni and friends who would be willing to help by contacting us using the form below or by though out email at AtwaterAlumni@outlook.com.

We will continue to post areas of need on the web site so if you have an interest or questions please feel free to let us know. No experience is necessary, the only requirement for any position is to have fun.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Board Secretary – Member of the Board of Directors. Attend Board Meetings, participate in discussions, keep notes of meeting and distribute to board, send out agendas prior to meetings.
Class Representative – Each class will have one assigned representative who will act as a point person for the class in disseminating information to classmates and providing feedback to the Board. If you are willing to support your class in this way, please contact us through the form below are at our website.
Fundraising Support Committee – help develop external fundraising opportunities. Support fundraising events where needed. Report results of fundraising efforts to the Board.
Community Support Committee– Attend community and school events as representative of the Association. Distribute information, man booths or tables during specific period.
History Committee– work developing and documenting historic events regarding the high school.
Newsletter Committee – organized and distribute regular newsletters to the association members.
Reunion Committee – aid reunion committees in organizing and developing a program. Develop and share best practices to share with committees.

Interested in these,  or any other area within the association please contact us.